Removal of “Pre” from Pre-CJUS

Categories: News

The Department of Criminal Justice & Criminology recently decided to remove the “Pre” from the Pre-CJUS major. This means that all students in the program will be identified in exactly the same way—as a “CJUS” major (the Pre-CJUS label will no longer be used).

What does this mean?

It means that all Criminal Justice students are now considered to be CJUS majors, rather than initially being labeled as Pre-CJUS majors.

How does this impact the requirements of the degree?

It does NOT impact them at all! None of the requirements of the degree have changed! 

To complete the CJUS major, students will still need to complete the same required 40 credit hours, including the same required courses of CJUS 1200, CJUS 1511, CJUS 2340, CJUS 2370, and an elementary STATs class (all with a grade of C or better), the same number of elective hours, etc.

Note: Going forward, the Department’s “two attempt rule” requiring students to get a C or better in certain courses will now apply to only two courses: CJUS 1511 and CJUS 2340.    

How will this impact registration for the Fall 2025?

Note that the Fall course schedule will reflect some changes in the pre-requisites and restrictions for certain courses. For example, the 4000-level crime analytics courses will now have a set of pre-requisites including an elementary STATs course and CJUS 2370. However, this set of pre-requisites courses is the same set of courses you would have normally completed as a Pre-CJUS major. Students are NOT being asked to complete any additional pre-requisites! We simply have to formally list these courses as pre-requisites in Banner now that we are removing the Pre-CJUS major.

When will the CJUS website be updated to reflect these changes?

The CJUS website will be updated to reflect the changes to the undergraduate program when the Fall 2025 Undergraduate Catalog is published.

Students, if you have questions, please contact the Criminal Justice advisor listed in your Connect account.