

The Department of Criminal Justice & Criminology recently decided to remove the “Pre” from the Pre-CJUS major. This means that all students in the program will be identified in exactly the same way—as a “CJUS” major (the Pre-CJUS label will no longer be used). What does this mean? It means that all Criminal Justice students are now […]


Three seniors from Daniel Piar’s Mediation and Conflict Resolution class (LEGL 3363/CJUS 3363) participated in an annual tournament sponsored by the International Academy of Dispute Resolution: Jennifer Mondestin (Political Science/Criminal Justice major), Jason Thomas (History major, Legal Studies minor), and Benaja Richardson (Political Science major, Legal Studies minor, LEADS certificate student). Travel to the tournament […]


Congratulations to our colleague Dr. M. Lyn Exum for being the recipient of the Bank of America Award for Teaching Excellence! Over the course of his teaching career, Dr. Exum has exemplified genuine dedication to working with undergraduate and graduate students. This dedication has resulted in innovative strategies employed within the classroom, impactful curricular changes, […]


Criminal Justice Majors and Minors: Please make your advising appointment through Connect. You can also email Professor Hodge at sshodge@charlotte.edu or call 704-687-0749.


Internship Programs Attendance at one of the informational meetings is a required prerequisite for internship placements. If you are interested in earning an internship, you must attend one of the monthly internship information sessions before you apply. These sessions will be held via zoom in Fall 2023: ​Click on the Zoom Link: https://uncc.zoom.us/j/92684323071


These are the direct links to the major, minor and pre-major declaration information. Remember to include if you would like to pursue the analytics concentration with the full major in your email. Major Declaration Pre-major Declaration Minor Declaration


If you are interested in following the new concentration track in crime analytics please visit the following link to find out more: Crime Analytics Concentration Option


CJC Alumni, Please provide valuable input by clicking here to fill out our questionnaire!