Graduate Program (M.S. Degree)
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: How much is tuition for graduate education?
Answer: Tuition Varies each year and the current year’s tuition information can be found here.
Question: Can you waive my application fee?
Answer: Unfortunately, we cannot waive application fees.
Question: When are admissions decisions made?
Answer: Applications are accepted year-round. To allow proper time to review the application, all materials should be on file with the Graduate School at least one month prior to the start of the semester in which applicants wish to enroll.
Persons interested in starting in the Fall semester are strongly encouraged to have all application materials submitted by March 1 in order to be considered for Departmental Assistantships and Graduate Tuition Awards.
Question: My GPA is below the “preferred standards” that are outlined in the admissions criteria. Can I still be admitted into the program?
Answer: Admissions are increasingly becoming more competitive and the department caps the number of admissions each year. While students who fall below the “preferred standards” for GPA have been admitted, the chances of admission are becoming increasingly more difficult. Applicants with a GPA slightly below the preferred standards may still be admitted. The admissions committee will take into account any impressive strengths that may be present in other areas of the application. That being said, applicants with a GPA that is considerably below the preferred standards (or slightly below but without other notable strengths) will typically be denied admission.
Question: I have applied to the graduate school but I have not been notified of my admissions status. Who can I contact?
Answer: Click here to check on admissions status with the graduate school.
Question: Outside of the traditional teaching assistantships, are there any additional opportunities to work within the department?
Answer: Yes. Periodically faculty will be awarded grants/contracts that include funding for hiring students. You are encouraged to contact the Graduate Coordinator and/or specific faculty to see if any opportunities presently exist.
Question: I have taken a few graduate courses from another institution. Can I transfer any of those credits?
Answer: Students may transfer a maximum of nine credits (only 6 credit may count toward core classes), pending certain conditions.
Question: I work full-time and I am concerned about when graduate classes are typically taught.
Answer: Typically, graduate classes begin at 5:30 PM or 6:00 PM, Monday through Thursday. Some elective classes, however, are taught at other times.
Question: Can I enroll on a part-time basis?
Answer: Yes, we accept students on both a full-time and part-time basis.
Question: I am a current student in the M.S. program and will be graduating in the next semester or so. Are there any forms that I need to complete
Answer: Yes, you will have to complete a “Application to Candidacy” form and an “Application for Graduation” form (see Graduate School forms).
Question: I am from out-of-state/international student, assuming I was offered a graduate assistantship, how much should I expect to pay?
Answer: Graduate assistantships offer in-state tuition reimbursement. This means you would be responsible for paying the difference between in-state and out-of-state tuition as well as fees.
Question: How long does the program take to complete?
Answer: Students typically take between 18-24 months to complete the program. It is possible to complete the program quicker if you are an early entry student or take summer classes. Completing a comprehensive exam, rather than a thesis, can also shorten your time to degree.