Scholarships/Funding Opportunities

Tuition, Financial Assistantships and Awards

Information on tuition and fees can be found here.

  • The Criminal Justice and Criminology Department offers, subject to budgetary approval, five graduate assistantships that are awarded annually on a competitive basis. Graduate Assistants earn a 9-month salary of $13,000 (taxable income) and work 20 hours/week with departmental faculty in their teaching and research activities. These are competitive assistantships that are awarded to exceptionally qualified students. Graduate assistantship contracts last for one year and may be renewed at the Department’s discretion for a second year. Contact the Graduate Coordinator about applying.
  • Additionally, UNC Charlotte’s Graduate School has a limited number of competitive awards and fellowships to help defray the costs of tuition and living expenses. Visit the funding resources page of the Graduate School’s website for more details.
  • The Criminal Justice and Criminology Department also offers a few (smaller) scholarships/awards annually to current graduate students. These include:

The Dean Reep Scholarship

  • This award is given in memory of the late Dean Reep, who was formerly a graduate student in the criminal justice program. This award is eligible to North Carolina residents who plan a career in crime prevention, possess a high moral character, have a minimum of 3.4 GPA and is a full-time student with a minimum of 2 semesters left at UNC Charlotte. Contact the Graduate Coordinator about applying.

The Robert Lassiter Outstanding Graduate Paper Award

  • Students may self-nominate a graded paper completed for a course assignment. Contact the Graduate Coordinator about applying.

Justice Initiatives Award

  • Justice Initiatives is a non-profit dedicated to the support and advancement of the Mecklenburg County court system. This award is eligible to graduate students majoring in criminal Justice at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte who plan to pursue a career in the court/legal system. Contact the Graduate Coordinator about applying.