Janne Gaub, Ph.D.

Janne Gaub, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Gaub CV

Ph.D. (2015) Arizona State University
M.A. (2009) Arizona State University
B.S. (2008) University of Arizona

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Dr. Janne Gaub is an Associate Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology and affiliate faculty in the Public Health Sciences and Public Policy Ph.D. programs. Dr. Gaub earned her Ph.D. in Criminology and Criminal Justice from Arizona State University and studies policing, specifically body-worn cameras (BWCs), specialty units, misconduct, and gender. Her research is published in outlets including CriminologyCriminology & Public PolicyJournal of Experimental CriminologyCrime & Delinquency, and Police Quarterly (see CV below for more information). Dr. Gaub serves as Chair of the American Society of Criminology Division of Policing, Executive Counselor of the American Society of Criminology Division of International Criminology, and an Editorial Board member for Criminal Justice & Behavior and Police Practice & Research.

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