John Stogner, Ph.D.

John Stogner, Ph.D.
Ph.D. (2011) University of Florida
M.S. (2007) University of North Carolina at Charlotte
B.S. (2001) North Carolina State University
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Dr. John Stogner is a criminologist who primarily teaches courses in Criminological Theory, Drug Analytics, Drugs and Crime, Biosocial Criminology, and Research Methodology. The majority of his research focuses on drug use, abuse, and policy, but much of his work also focuses on the interplay between issues of health and deviance.
Much of Dr. Stogner’s drug research has focused on emerging or novel psychoactive drugs. These drugs (often referred to as “legal highs” or “synthetics” by the popular media and law enforcement) present an array of significant challenges to health care providers, law enforcement, and policymakers. In his published research, Dr. Stogner has examined prevalence and predictors of use, the effects of recent regulation, and offered policy recommendations for drugs such as Salvia divinorum, MDPV and synthetic cathinones (“bath salts”), and synthetic cannabinoids (“spice”). He is a coauthor of Emerging Trends in Drug Use and Distribution which explores both modern and historic novel drug issues. His most recent work in this area has focused on use of these substances among veterans and within the LGBTQ community.
Some of Dr. Stogner’s other drug research explores peer influence on drug use, the accuracy of perceptions of peer substance use, and substance use’s effect on friendship quality. He has also explored how genetic factors condition reactions to stressful life events and how gene-environment interactions alter the likelihood that substance use is utilized as a coping mechanism.
Dr. Stogner has also explored how health and deviant behavior are intertwined. He has published a series of articles that examine the role that “health strain” may play in antisocial behavior and substance use. Dr. Stogner has served on the board of the ACJS Drugs and Alcohol Research Section and is a Past President of the Southern Criminal Justice Association.