Shelley L. Johnson, Ph.D.

Shelley L. Johnson, Ph.D.
Ph.D. (2001) University of Cincinnati
M.S. (1996) University of Cincinnati
B.S. (1995) Wright State University
Dr. Shelley Johnson teaches both graduate and undergraduate classes on the topics of Criminological Theory, Institutional Corrections, Community Corrections, and Treatment and Rehabilitation.
Her research is geared towards the identification and development of effective interventions within a variety of correctional settings. Specifically, the development of best practices with offenders, primarily based on social learning theories. Dr. Johnson recently examined the salience of strain theory in examining re-entry outcomes among a sample of formerly incarcerated individuals and is currently working to examine the impact of trauma on juveniles. Dr. Johnson has served as a consultant to local, state, and federal agencies on the topic of assessment, treatment, and quality assurance within both institutional and community based programs